Cadbury's Double Decker Ice Cream

Is it just me or is there genuinely nothing else in the shops at the moment but ice cream and cheap lager? Even at B&Q and funeral homes…

But then what else could anyone possibly need, basking in the extreme heat of 18C?

Typically found within the cabinets of frozen sugar are products created from the well-worn industry technique of turning popular brands into ice creams and lollies. 99 Flakes, Mars bars and even Whites Lemonade have been sunk into the caverns of chill to break people’s teeth and leave a sticky mess over the floor all summer long.

Likewise with Cadbury’s Double Decker. Once a beast of the chocolate bar world (but now noticeably thinner and shorter), the nougat-filled classic can also be eaten out of a tub, using whatever method of sophistication or deprivation that takes your fancy.

The website of Sainsbury’s states that you can buy them for £2 each, which I would suggest is a damn good price for a decent sized delight of a brand product (I got mine as part of a £5 meal deal at the Co-op, complete with plenty more artery clogging goodness).

The ice cream is surprisingly soft and therefore easy to scoop out into a bowl (not something you’ll need to consider if you intend on mauling it face-first, like a pig at a trough). True to the promotion on the packaging, the contents are indeed split into the three categories to fulfil the expected Double Decker experience: nougat ice cream with crispy pieces; chewy nougat; chocolate ice cream with chocolate pieces.

Mixed together, the Double Decker taste is clearly there, with nougat definitely noticeable from the flavoured ice cream and plenty of crispy balls to add a distinctive touch.

However, the caveats are thus: the nougat centre is very minimal and without being told it was there you’d probably miss it entirely; and the chocolate ice cream tastes like some watery concoction you’d buy in 5kg form from Aldi – not like a recipe from one of the world’s largest chocolatiers.

For the price, you do get a good amount of Cadbury’s brand for your money and a satisfactory experience as well. But at the end of the day I’m left wondering if you could create Double Decker ice cream yourself by buying a cheap tub of Neapolitan, scooping out the chocolate and vanilla and sprinkling some crunchy accessories on top.

For that reason, a very average 3* out of 5 will suffice.

Wanderer, wonderer and editor of the Chocolate Dissection blog (which will ideally melt hearts rather than brains). Reliable with sarcasm, less so with a scalpel. Twitter: @IdeasJimbound

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