I have no idea what a mud pie is (other than it being a
Dennis the Menace prank), but it certainly does sound very American: chocolate
is brown and so is mud, so they must both be the same thing.
I also don’t want to know what one is either, because
that would taint my entirely impartial and incredibly important review that is
probably being read with intense excitement right now by God himself.
But, in a reverse to the usual rule, the British luxury
chocolate creator Hotel Chocolat has decided to reinvent a staple US design –
and has (unlike what the Yanks do to everything of ours that they copy) made a
very good job of it.
The only word to describe its appearance is spectacular.
Other than perhaps marvellous. Or phantasmagorical.
The mixtures of white, milk and dark chocolate boom out
of the bar, creating a sensual desire matched only by sighting a pub on a
summer’s day. Everything seems to be plentiful – the bar as a whole is
surprisingly large and thick, making it about the same size as an aircraft
carrier. The entire show is exquisitely presented and perfectly mirrors the vibrancy
of a dessert at a fancy restaurant.
The taste is just as exuberant, if not better. The white
chocolate is deliciously creamy and works wonderfully with the expanse of milk
chocolate and deeply bold dark chocolate.
Contained within the chocolate brick are segments of
chocolate biscuit that add a heavenly crunch like munching on an angel’s halo.
The biscuit is deeply rich with chocolate taste and matches every gleeful
metaphor that has ever been spoken.
Really, there’s not much more to add: other than loads
more marvelling words.
The tagline on the Mud Pie’s packaging is: “Americans love adapting British ideas. We decided to
beat them at their own game.” I think that’s exactly what they’ve done. Even at
£3.95 each.
It is by far 5* out of 5.
Wanderer, wonderer and editor of the Chocolate Dissection blog (which will ideally melt hearts rather than brains). Reliable with sarcasm, less so with a scalpel. Twitter:@IdeasJimbound
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