Co-op White Chocolate Cookies

Does white chocolate remind you of Christmas? That cosy, nostalgic feeling of gazing over soft, snow-laced gardens while you lie snuggled up in a blanket that’s bigger than a whale’s overcoat?

Well, it shouldn’t. Because that would just be weird. Plus, trudging through slush would make a walk to the Co-op particularly unpleasant.

The brown paper bag I bought for £1.10 did not contain a quart of scotch, rather five absolutely enormous cookies (think the Empire State Building – only bigger and less grey).

Each biscuit was a gorgeous golden yellow, as though baked in the sunshine of the south of France. In a welcome relief for supermarket produce, the cookies were formed in an infinite array of shapes – at least appearing to showcase themselves as having been lovingly baked in a stone oven by some plump, ruddy-faced farmer’s wife in deepest Somerset (as opposed to mass-produced chemicals moulded into perfect circles).

Quite how the cookies survived being placed into the bag is another matter: they were so thin that even a supermodel’s waist would have been less brittle. The delicate casing did, however (surprisingly), manage to hold a plentiful number of giant white chocolate chunks, which were perfectly creamy.

The texture of the biscuits were somewhat unusual: the edges were tough and hard enough to start a fight in a Liverpool pub, whereas the centre was so soft that it would have made a pug seem like a dragon.

Because of this contrast, taste was a difficult issue to measure. The outer parts of the biscuits had a nice, wheat-scented flavour that matched very well with the white chocolate; but, despite being lovely and soft, the centres had a strangely excessive sugary and salty taste that just seemed like undercooked dough.

There was no risk of not consuming the whole packet, though – even after noticing that each cookie is massively filling.

Big and bonkers, but suspiciously salty… I really did want Co-op’s white chocolate cookies to be the best – but they just weren’t.

Call me salty, but it’s 3* out of 5.

Wanderer, wonderer and editor of the Chocolate Dissection blog (which will ideally melt hearts rather than brains). Reliable with sarcasm, less so with a scalpel. Twitter: @IdeasJimbound

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