Irish Dream

A review of Co-op’s Irish Cream and White Chocolate Cookies.

To put an end to the age old and utterly pointless debate, I like to pronounce “scone” as “scon-e” – or, if it’s Halloween, as “scon-eee”.

I hope that draws a line under the deeply divisive and sensitive matter so that the world can now move on to address really challenging issues like climate doom, international political discourse and deciding what exactly a scone is – is it a cake, a biscuit or a symbol of an elitist class structure designed to supplement the needs of the aristocracy and suppress the masses?

One thing’s for sure: I’m not a big fan of scones. They’re always either dryer than a baking slug or so soft that your fingers get sucked in like quicksand. Also, who wants butter on a tasty treat? Butter in a sweet snack, fine; but to complement it? Really?

A positive point about scones is their huge, meaty size, something that was shared by the Co-op’s Irish Cream and White Chocolate Cookies; frankly, their thickness was of monstrous proportions.

The texture was a wonderful component too, with the cookies having just the right balance between hardness and softness – no teeth crackers and no soggy bottoms either.

There was a good amount of white chocolate pieces dolloped into the mix that I suspect included the Irish Cream ingredient; certainly, there was an overall intensely creamy effect that was initiated by a smooth and subtle burst (a more refined version of the shockwaves generated by a decent mint).

I can imagine that after a few they might become rather sickly (although, to be sure, I ate six of the eight and encountered no issues – sacrifices have to be made in the aid of science), but just one is enough to act as a tasty and delightful treat.

There was no part of these biscuits that appeared to have been done on the cheap: there was an abundance of chocolate; the Irish Cream was instantly recognisable and applied in measured amounts; and there were eight genuinely chunky cookies in the pack.

Final review rating: the best 75p I’ve ever spent – 5* out of 5.

Wanderer, wonderer and editor of the Chocolate Dissection blog (which will ideally melt hearts rather than brains). Reliable with sarcasm, less so with a scalpel. Twitter: @IdeasJimbound

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