Muller Corner Milk Chocolate Digestives

What does a cheesecake taste like when it’s actually a yoghurt filled with bits of digestive biscuit? 

For someone as boring as I am, I have always hoped that dealing with boring things would work perfectly for me. Generally this is true, which is why I do things like listen to East German Eighties music and write an extremely ad-hoc blog about chocolate.

Sometimes though, being boring and encountering the boring simply produces a predictably dull outcome. So, Muller’s digestive version of its Corner yoghurts is a tricky one to raise any interest from at all – much like my bank account. In fact, it’s only the addition of the Godly ingredient of chocolate that prevents the vanilla and digestive monotony from being literally the least interesting thing ever known to exist. Well, apart from a Fiat 500 Twitter account, obviously.

As usual with these sort of yoghurt mixing products there weren’t really enough balls to plunge into the whiteness of the yoghurt orifice. That means that I was left with a far greater yoghurt to chocolate ball ratio than is ideal, leading to a rather sickly experience.

The digestive balls achieved a remarkable result of actually being chocolatey and crunchy, which seemed to be the only real effort put into the whole thing (apart from the milk, obviously; thank you cows, it was much appreciated). Perhaps the cows pumped a little too vigorously though, because the yoghurt had an overall poor flavour of too much milk, too much sugar and slight tanginess.

With the amount of varieties of similar foods on offer (from strawberry shortcake to blueberry), the big question is why would anyone buy anything as bland and disagreeable to the palette as this? Unless you’ve got an especially fussy child at home who you absolutely hate, I can’t think of a reason why you’d pick Muller’s Corner Milk Chocolate Digestives over any of their other offerings (or cheaper knock-off versions for that matter).

Final review rating: If it was a shooting star it would never stop; however, it ain’t anywhere near the top: 2* out 5.

Wanderer, wonderer and writer of the Chocolate Dissection blog (which will ideally melt hearts rather than brains). Reliable with sarcasm, less so with a scalpel. Twitter: @IdeasJimbound

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